They will see me there (Mt 28, 10)

They will see me there

Jesus speaks of the Baptist as the one who leads the hearts of the fathers towards the children and the rebels to the wisdom of the Lord. And when he begins with his own preaching he invites us to perceive beyond, because the kingdom of heaven is near. It is all an opening to a continuous renewal of the whole man, of the integral discernment of him. A letting oneself be touched by the grace of the Spirit, being taken beyond one’s own structures. And the Spirit comes into him and always into him in various ways through everything, if you don’t want to vivisect him, cage him.

The deep sympathy of Mary and of Jesus also emerges in this simple trust in God, always in his Light, without any interest, any logic, any power, any apparatus. He has scattered those who appeared above in the thoughts of their hearts, he has overthrown the mighty from their thrones, he has exalted the little ones, he has filled the hungry with good things, he has sent the rich away empty, he has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he promised to our fathers, to Abraham and to his descendants, forever.

It is not the powerful but the little ones who collaborate in the profound story. Those who, as far as possible, try to let themselves be carried further. Jesus told us that the Spirit will lead us to the whole truth, reminding us of his life and his words among others, right from Galilee, bringing us ever more deeply back to him. My witnesses because with me from the beginning. In the Church, with the Church, not stopping at earthly mediators, even Augustine or Aquinas. Let ourselves be increasingly guided by his Word without taking it for granted, following him in faith and not only in courses, lessons, even in ordinary pastoral care.

Meditating the gospel together with the spiritual guide in the journey of community faith, one experiences being formed by Jesus himself present there, in the appointment given to his disciples: “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee and there they will see me” (Mt 28:10).
Letting ourselves be carried further in this dialogue, in this prayer, gradually, tendentially, personal and community, with Mary, in the expectation of an ever new Pentecost, seems to be the path indicated by him himself to live and increasingly find the ways of life beyond of every obstacle, closure, blindness, withdrawal… Always restarting with him the journey of the Gospel from Galilee to Jerusalem