The crisis read by Pirro

The power of finance and big tech is really great, to the point that, as I had long predicted, many purely ideological, intellectualist oppositions have been engulfed by it, as shown in Italy by the standardized parliament, where by now the main formations outside the government structure they are only window dressing so as not to let others occupy those boxes.

At the end of its journey, abstract reason shows that it leads to an emptying in which only power and money remain. New social classes are formed: the aforementioned strong powers with the crowd of executors of the apparatuses, of communication, of culture and the class of the manipulated, emptied and stripped of everything. But upon closer inspection, the rulers themselves are dominated by the technicality, the robot that takes over the man who created it. It is interesting in these wakes to observe the parable of the media of the ideological oppositions for which after the standardized parliament, among other things, the pope so harshly and ideologically criticized now receives equally ideological words of esteem.

The real opposition can, in the right times and ways, be built only on favoring, right from school, free formation in the light of the religious-philosophical identity sought and only then in authentic exchange with others. In other words, it is a question of seeking the appropriate ways for a leap in quality: fostering authentic maturation and therefore also the participation of people.

But rationalist culture is rooted even in so much opposition. Where faith and reason are spoken of, reason ends up prevailing. Little importance is given to a de facto synodality reduced to intellectualism. Instead, Jesus transmitted the way of man’s growth in the Spirit who descends to measure, like a dove and among others, in history. A maturation that leads to discovering everything in an ever new way.

What do Mary’s words at Fatima mean, “In the end my immaculate heart will triumph”? Will the stubborn, often unconscious, hubris of abstract reason be overcome only through a collapse that seems to be approaching ever more rapidly? Or, for example, will the Church open up to a synodality that is not a facade, with a new true and free, life-giving participation also in Catholic apparatuses and media? What obstacles would such a renewal encounter due to the system that holds the world in hand? Will it be necessary to learn to recognize and face the various martyrdom caused by one-way communication?